Field Guides

How to use the lending library

  1. Find the items you are interested in renting & check their availability here

  2. Email us at with the product IDs and dates

  3. We will respond within one business day to confirm pick-up/drop off times

  4. Read, print, & sign the liability waiver and borrowing agreement*

  5. Bring your signed forms & student card to pick up your items

  6. Please clean your items before returning them on the drop-off date

  7. Fill out our survey to tell us about your experience using the lending library!

    * If you are renting equipment for ≥ 14 days we also require your supervisor or course coordinator to sign the borrowing agreement

    ** When possible, please give us ≥ 48 hours notice so we can be sure someone is available to meet with you

 Bird field guides
