Let’s Talk Fieldwork: Expectations vs. Reality

Ever been too scared to ask the REAL questions you have about fieldwork? Hopefully we can help! Our panel of experienced graduate students speak from their very own experiences to answer some awkward questions about fieldwork.

Our panelists from left to right: Sam conducted outdoor experiments at the Queen’s University Biological Station (QUBS), during the peak of the pandemic. Celena spent last summer doing fieldwork at the Harkness Laboratory of Fisheries Research, in Algonquin Provincial park. Dominic conducted fieldwork in the sub-Arctic tundra of the Northwest Territories. Shay spent a part of last summer doing remote fieldwork in the Canadian Arctic (Nunavut).

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  • Dealing With Burnout in the Field

    We asked our panelists how they deal with burnout in the field and they remind students to pace yourself, celebrate successes and make sure to take me time.

  • Wearing Glasses in the Field

    Our panelists give their tips on wearing glasses in the field. Glasses can pose unexpected challenges while doing work outdoors. Sam reminds students that contacts are personal choices, but be aware of clean hands! And Dominic gives a helpful tip to not lose your glasses in the field.

  • Challenges of Working with Others

    Our panelists address challenges and tips for working with the same team of people for extended periods of time in the field. Working with a team in an isolated area can be tough but setting expectations and doing fun activities together can be keys to a more enjoyable work experience!

  • Cooking and Eating in the Field

    Our panelists share their personal experiences with cooking and eating in the field. Cooking/eating can range from having field station kitchen staff that provide daily food, to having to prep every meal in a remote area. (Good snacks are key!)

  • Favourite Things about Fieldwork

    Our panelists share their favourite things about doing fieldwork! As hard and exhausting as fieldwork can be, it can also provide truly unique and unforgettable experiences, as well as a sense of appreciation for the simple joys of nature.